

LightWay is both a remake and an original game. The core concept for this game was used as a base to create the demo for Colour the World. LightWay is a game that will use the original design concept and build upon it.

LightWay is a 3D isometric puzzle platformer where players are tasked with bringing colour back to a world devoid of it. By working together with the goddess Arcrobaleno (”lightning bow” in Italian), players will travel the world and collect crystalized pigments that they can use in their lantern in order to see things that they could not see before.

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Current Status:

-As Of November 14/2023-

Development is moving! Slow but steady the pieces of the game are coming together. Level 1 is “done“ for the most part, there are some minor bugs that need to be worked on but the do not break the game just yet. Grey boxing for level 2 has started with the completion of the remaining colours.

Colour Mechanics:

All colours have been designed! This task was the most important but I wanted to keep in mind what we as humans associate with each colour, purple and orange being more difficult to design. I wanted to make sure that all colours weren’t too strange both in and out of the game.

Level Design:

With the completion of the light colour mechanic, levels are next! The levels will be designed with 1 main colour and 1-2 sub colours. This constraint was placed on the levels so that the did not get too big in terms of puzzle designs, as well as limiting what colours players will need to use per level. It is undecided whether or not if colours not being used will be locked per level but this seems unlikely because I want players so self-discover what colours each level needs.

My Role

This project is mainly a solo project, but I will ask for assistance from friends/ fellow game designers.

For the most part, I will be developing all aspects of this game. This will allow me to keep my design skills sharp and also dip my toe into other areas of development.


Pause Menu:

The pause menu has yet to be worked on but the basic options and overall design have been determined. The main inspiration for the pause menu is from Spyro: Reignited Trilogy, specifically how the menu displays how many of that areas collectibles the player has. This way players will be able to see how many collectibles they have and how many they may be missing.

Grey Boxing:

Level 1 is pretty much done for the time being. There are some minor bugs that will need to be fixed soon, but they don’t’ break the game so they can stay. Of course things may change but as of now level 1 is done! During the development, a see through walls shader was developed and allows for players to see behind walls. This opens up the level a bit more.

At this time, level 2 has begun development.

January 17/23 Progress Video

January 31/23 Progress Video


Colour the World